The BJP's Prime Ministerial candidate MODI's September 29 rally to attract people towards Delhi BJP capital places in countdown timer to count down planting. on Tuesday, the first count down timer state headquarters. planted around the capital such as 20 timer.
Delhi BJP behest Vijay Goel said the rally for the party to use the modern technology on a large scale has been the BJP's decision to a particular Forum. the Forum will place nearly 20,000 square feet. find three forums, including a main stage, main stage will have only two other platform. in addition to the party Narendra Modi on the main stage at Delhi charge Nitin gadkariThe opposition leader in the Assembly Vijay Kumar Malhotra and Vijay Goel will be present, while two other senior BJP leaders in Delhi on two forums made available.
There will be two main screen behind the stage and the 20 led screen, through which people will be able to see speaking their leaders closely. Goyal said the Forum would be to create dynamic backdrop to lively, including running will appear, who came to the rally scene people will be extremely modern forum messages and people who will rallyClose to you, they have their own forum.
People can hear from dhanag speech right, line array sound system will be set up will ensure that final line array system. in line to hear the person sitting or standing still speech. it will use four-speaker sound system that is part of a line array system. These are the world's best speakers speakers and the sound of big rallies to top class broadcast.
Delhi BJP behest Vijay Goel said the rally for the party to use the modern technology on a large scale has been the BJP's decision to a particular Forum. the Forum will place nearly 20,000 square feet. find three forums, including a main stage, main stage will have only two other platform. in addition to the party Narendra Modi on the main stage at Delhi charge Nitin gadkariThe opposition leader in the Assembly Vijay Kumar Malhotra and Vijay Goel will be present, while two other senior BJP leaders in Delhi on two forums made available.
There will be two main screen behind the stage and the 20 led screen, through which people will be able to see speaking their leaders closely. Goyal said the Forum would be to create dynamic backdrop to lively, including running will appear, who came to the rally scene people will be extremely modern forum messages and people who will rallyClose to you, they have their own forum.
People can hear from dhanag speech right, line array sound system will be set up will ensure that final line array system. in line to hear the person sitting or standing still speech. it will use four-speaker sound system that is part of a line array system. These are the world's best speakers speakers and the sound of big rallies to top class broadcast.