Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant radioactive water from a water tank located methyl isocynate claimed new desperate. year 2010 after the earthquake ruptured at sea in tremendous waves of tsunami in the Fukushima nuclear plant was great loss. above the risk of spreading radioactive radiation in the region has increased significantly. radioactive water leak of this new phenomenon govern Japan for preventing radiation. every effort .
Takeo electric power company (TEPCO) recently said that 120 tonnes from the water tank weighing tsunami will be placed below ground at the plant, where the other seven water tank. this statement a day after the leak of water in the tank has begun. However that being said radioactive water flowing to the sea will not.
Nuclear plants for cooling water in these tanks is collected. Although this radioactive sijiyam is removed, but another radioactive element there exist. TEPCO said recently after the leak radioactive elements have been identified.
Takeo electric power company (TEPCO) recently said that 120 tonnes from the water tank weighing tsunami will be placed below ground at the plant, where the other seven water tank. this statement a day after the leak of water in the tank has begun. However that being said radioactive water flowing to the sea will not.
Nuclear plants for cooling water in these tanks is collected. Although this radioactive sijiyam is removed, but another radioactive element there exist. TEPCO said recently after the leak radioactive elements have been identified.